5 Little Known, But Useful Linkedin Features

Twitter, Facebook and Google+ may be making headlines constantly, but LinkedIn is quietly building a solid network too. LinkedIn allows you to get the scoop on competing companies, search for location-specific trends in your line of work, and find out which of your contacts have changed positions or companies this week.

And while all the media keeps talking about Facebook’s improvements, LinkedIn has been subtly making some changes too. Here are 5 interesting features you should definitely try out:

1) LinkedIn Alumni
linkedin Alumni

– this brand new feature allows you to see who attended the same school as you did and where they work now.

2) “Stalk” a company
Linkedin Recent Promotions

– LinkedIn has made it easier for users to connect with their favorite companies, allowing them to get notifications about activity happening from the companies they follow. One can get information such as recent hires and promotions, new job opportunities and company profile updates.

3) LinkedIn Signal
Linkedin Signal

– a cool free tool which helps LinkedIn users extract more value from the growing amount of content on the careers site and Twitter accounts by helping users make sense of the huge amount of newsfeeds out there.

4) Applications
linkedin Applications

– LinkedIn offers 19 different application that you are able to add to your profile. These could be as simple as adding a Twitter feed, adding your blog to your LinkedIn profile or adding a SlideShare to your profile.

5) Products and services
– if you own a LinkedIn company page you can make a list of your products, with the possibility of adding videos, photos or descriptions to them. You can also post recommendations and costumers can comment at length.

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