A Site and Logo Revamp For Wikipedia

We all know what Wikipedia is, the large majojority of us happen to use it daily, be that for school, college, university, work or general interest – it’s the internets super brain. We all use it.

Since it’s launch on January 15, 2001 it has had one design, one layout and one logo however the logo wasn’t released until 2003. Since it’s been 9 and 7 years respectively. Wikipedia have been working on a total revamp of the website.

Today the update went live. Before the update went live, the beta was tested by just over 635,000 people and their was an 83% user retention rate.

Here’s what’s new:

Look and feel: We’ve introduced a new theme we call “Vector” which makes essential functions easier to find.
Navigation: We’ve improved the navigation for reading and editing pages. Now, the tabs at the top of each page more clearly define whether you’re reading or editing a page. There’s also a collapsible navigation for the left sidebar that hides items that aren’t used often, but allows them to continue to be easily accessible.
Editing improvements: We’ve reorganized the editing toolbar to make it easier to use. Now, formatting pages is simpler and more intuitive. And we’ve introduced a table wizard to make creating tables easier. You’ll also discover a new find and replace feature to simplify page editing.
Link wizard: An easy-to-use tool allows you to add links to other pages on Wikipedia, or to pages on external sites.
Search improvements: Search suggestions are now improved to get you to the page you are looking for more quickly.
Pediapress book creator: Create a book by selecting Wikipedia articles and adding them to the Book Creator. Your articles will be turned into a PDF (or OpenDocument) file so you can easily take Wikipedia wherever you go.
Updated Puzzle globe and wordmark: The well-known Wikipedia globe and wordmark have been enhanced and improved. We’ve introduced Linux Libertine, an open source typeface to help support the creation of hundreds of localized Wikipedia wordmarks, and the internationally-recognized puzzle globe has been recreated in 3D and includes even more languages. Read more from our recent blog post.

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