Is NFC the future?

NFC, or near field communication for those unaware, is starting to roll out across the world and many analysts are predicting big things for the future of the technology. NFC can be used for many everyday tasks that involve our interacting with something, but remove the interaction part — it uses a wireless range to…

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Want to pre-order an iPad 2 in the UK?

Yes, you read that right – there are indeed pre-orders for the iPad 2 available in the UK – but not from Apple’s online store. Some of Apple’s Premium Resellers, notably KRCS in the UK, are currently accepting in-store orders, which will guarantee you an iPad 2 to collect on launch day (25th March), however…

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Google halts Galaxy S Gingerbread Update

Update: Vodafone UK have now said that the update has again started to roll out on it’s network. Gingerbread has been long anticipated by Samsung’s Galaxy S owners, with the update beginning to roll out yesterday, however it has since been stopped by Google, but without reason so far. Vodafone commented that they were unaware…

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Facebook Messages, Now Available

FacebookFacebook users this morning are waking up to a pleasant surprise – Facebook Messages. Hundreds of people who I’m friends with have already been invited to the update, allowing them to have [email protected] as an email address. Let’s see if this changes email for good – Mark Zuckerberg claims it’s not a game changer, I…

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