Although, Dell market’s share seems to weaken worldwide, recent declarations of the company officials at a Dell World symposium indicate a reassuring position on that matter.
Michael Dell, Dell’s Chief Executive Officer explained that his company surpassed the traditional role of making personal computers and conducting direct sales. He pointed out that Dell managed to turn into a one-stop shop with servers, storage and networking, and reliable services business. After a 15 year process, Dell shift its strategy explained the company CEO. He provides relevant examples “If I look at our relationship with companies that make airlines, most of our business with them is not products anymore, but services.”
One thing that will not change is Dell’s commitment to hardware. The company will invest in this direction to bring innovative technologies aside from software and services solutions. In order to keep up with competitors and with the declared strategy, Dell has made 11 acquisitions lately. Another $1 billion will be invested this fiscal year with the intended purpose to strengthen its global reach into data centers, mobile and cloud environments.
On the strategic map at Dell, the most important flag is on China, according to Paul Bell, president of global public and large enterprise at Dell. He explained this area could play an essential role in Dell’s future strategy and transformation. “There are no markets anywhere in the world that are more important to Dell than China. (…) Finance, energy and the telecommunications industry are the three most important industries that we focus on in China.”
However, Chinese rivals as Lenovo, Huawei and Sugon might have something to say in the matter and according to local analysts, the future evolution of the situation is sure to prove interesting, to say the least.