Did Facebook Get Rid of Po*n Spam Attacks?

Facebook has been working hard on its security black hole after a big po**ographic spam attack took the world of browsing by surprise. The attack seems to have been initiated towards the end of last week when a lot of Facebook users reported being flooded by pornographic and violent images.

Spokesman Frederic Wolens assured the public that Facebook security is aware of the disturbance and has been working to identify exactly the cause of the spam. Later, he came back with reassuring news that the spam has been eliminated in the majority of it but added that the work is not finished yet, as the team has plans to improve the system to better defend against similar attacks in the future.

But how exactly did the porn images penetrate into users’ accounts? Well, during the attack, users were tricked into pasting and executing some malicious JavaScript in their browsers. There’s also some advice so as not to fall into this trap again:

– never copy/paste unknown codes into the browser
– always upgrade your browser
– report dubious links to Facebook as soon as you see them.

Graham Cluely, a senior technology consultant from the Internet security firm Sophos, said that the website could face long-term consequences from this attack. He feels that it’s precisely this kind of problem which is very likely to drive people away from the site. Facebook needs to get a handle on this problem very quickly and to prevent it from happening again on such a scale and everybody seems to agree that it will.

Facebook is dead set against nudity, even so much that at some point it removed pictures of breastfeeding mothers from its servers.

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