Droid Razr, Motorola’s Best Android Phone so Far?

It seems that the race in building the slimmest phone/tablet has a brand new fierce competitor. It’s Motorola’s Droid Razr, the grandchild of the incredibly popular Motorola Razr, who had its moment of glory back in 2004. Many years later, the company is trying to recreate the buzz and excitement the previous phone has spurred years ago.

This extra-supple smartphone seems to have it all: 1.2-GHz processor, 8-megapixel camera with HD video capture, qHD 540×960 display, 32 GB of storage for media and files and Kevlar built in the phone. Kevlar is the magic ingredient bulletproof vests use to get their remarkable property. So, costumers won’t have to worry about dropping it or damaging it. This baby can take it all! Because it is so thin, the Droid Razr is also light and has a relatively large screen.

The phone runs on the latest version of Google Inc’s Android software and it’s a real eye catcher. The back is covered with diagonal gray and black lines made up of the already mentioned Kevlar fiber. Also, the phone has a water-repellent coating both inside and outside.

The screen embeds a 8 megapixel camera, and is able to capture very proficient shots in dim and bright light alike. The phone works very fast, thanks to its dual core processor and 1 gigabyte of memory. The battery promises a life of 12.5 hours, but, be careful, because the phone is so slim, Motorola had to design a built-in battery, this means it’s not easily replaced if damaged.

If you’re already starting to think what it would be like to have this phone, you might want to consider the $300 price tag with contract, which is higher than most Android smartphones on the market. Not to mention that the cheapest iPhone 4S can be purchased for $200. Even with all its attractive features, maybe you’ll want to think twice before sticking your hand into your wallet.

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