Instagram could be heading for video, Android not happening soon

Since the iOS5 Beta we’ve seen an increase of photography based Apps. This, obviously a result of the camera improvement on the iPhone 4S, and general software changes to the iPhone 4.

Instagram is one of the most, if not the most popular photo-sharing App around. It’s only been recently that celebrities have finally found out how great Instagram actually is.

Something magical is in the pipeline. Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom has hinted, whilst at Beijing Disrupt, that video integrated into Instagram is a possibility. He said it was at the top of list of priorities for the company.

Systrom never confirmed it was to happen, nor did he confirm they would include the filters used in photo for video use, and that video would be simply for sharing.

Currently Instagram is an iOS only App. It would appear that Android/BB’s chances of gaining it has decreased, and fast. The chances are Instragram will partner with a pre-established Android developer who has already dipped into the area of photography. Would save Instagram money and time.

Systrom never made clear of any dates, and if video is a certain, only making one thing perfectly clear, “The thing I don’t want to do is introduce a new medium too late such that people see you only as a photos app.”

A very good point.

Time will tell, one thing is for sure, video, if happening will arrive before Android get photo-based Instagram.

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