LG, Trying to Boost Google’s TV Platform

According to a recent report, Google’s television operating system might get a second chance on the market with support coming from the giant TV manufacturer, LG Electronics. If rumors will prove to be true, early next year, Google TV will be the talk of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. LG Electronics is said to boost new life for Google’s television platform that adds Internet features to television.

Google TV was unveiled last year in New York at a joint Google and Sony event. A few months later, Sony introduced the first TV set running Google dedicated OS and Logitech announced a top box for the customers interested in Google TV, but unwilling to buy a new TV set. Since then, no other product featured Google TV and rumours say that Google’s top decision makers were disappointed by the performance of the TV platform.

Consequently, manufacturers were forbidden to integrate Google TV in their products at Consumer Electronics Show. Improvements were to be made before a new unveil. Meanwhile, an early partner, Logitech International SA, apparently become more reluctant and backed away. The reason seems to be the fact that the sales were under expectations.

Now, analysts believe that the new alliance with the second largest TV manufacturer is a sign of a successful strategy for Google TV. According to a Bloomberg report, the new version of Google TV will have a simpler interface and a better integration of You Tube. Google’s strategy also hints that developers will be more encouraged to create apps for TV, as the Android platform tends to be more open.

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