Red Gate Software to send a lucky Database Administrator (DBA) into Space

Great news for all the Database Administrators out there; if you have been messing around with complex data and Sql codes for long and thinking no one cares about you. Here is someone who cares!

A U.K Based software company is now providing you an opportunity, where your skills can get you an exciting chance to win a trip to Space. Yes! the real space, something that could cost millions of dollars.

Red Gate, a British Software Company, has recently launched a campaign, the winner of which will be rewarded with the awesome prize of a seat on a commercial flight into space, courtesy of Space Adventures, Ltd. And if any of us were to believe the Hollywood movies; with the Armageddon so close, perhaps it is wise to save someone who could work on the databases of the future!

But the prize definitely would take some effort, Red Gate says:

DBAs must unravel a Gordian knot of a plot involving morphing Martians, pets in peril, alien body parts and abduction of one of their own – all unfolding in a five-week series of snazzy (and frankly surreal) 60s-style space-noir B-movies.

Don’t get confused, here are the actual details for this easy contest.

You have to participate in quizzes and watch the videos to provide the best answers. Based on the best answers, fifteen finalists will be short-listed. Then the one lucky DBA who will travel to space will be elected by popular votes.

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