
Google picked the “These Go to Eleven” event to officially announce that Android activations worldwide have surpassed the huge number of 200 million devices. Wow, now if you take a second a think about it, that’s about 550,000 activations per day!

Back in May, the company claimed to have had only 100 million devices activated, so the increase is definitely huge. And then there was the Q2 report released in July who stated there were a total of 135 million Android with 550 thousand getting activated each day.

Android launched more than a year after the very first iPhone and its market has expanded considerably ever since. Apple’s fresh launch of the iPhone 4S may keep Android at bay for now, but Google’s not fast asleep either, making plans for some new developments that might help its rise for dominion. After the October launch, Apple came out and revealed the number: 250 million iOS devices. Yes, the extra 50 million might sound impressive, but not if you consider the huge rate of Android’s growth.

You might wonder how did Samsung and HTC both surpassed Apple as the largest vendors of smartphone. Well, the answer is pretty easy if you think about it. They are the two biggest Android phone makers in the world. Your Christmas shopping list should probably include this year a Samsung Galaxy S2 or a HTC Rezound – Android-powered.

This news hits after just a few days when new research by Gartner revealed that Android now has a massive 52.5% share of smartphone sale, leaving the competition like Symbian, iOS, BlackBerry way behind.

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