Twitter staying in san francisco

Twitter: Staying in San FranciscoTwitter HQ, which is currently located in San Francisco, will remain so after signing a lease to relocate to Market Square after the company agreed a tax break deal with the city.

By remaining where they are and with the deal that Twitter had previously in place with the city, the company would lose millions, where as they could move not to far south OR east and effectively save that multi-million figure.

With Twitter being an incredibly fast growing company, the city of San Francisco tried their upmost to keep them in place and have now agreed on a deal which is respectively beneficial for both parties.

A blog post by Sean Garrett (head of comms, Twitter) read:

“We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Mayor Ed Lee; the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (in particular Supervisor Jane Kim and Supervisor David Chiu); Jennifer Matz and Amy Cohen from the city’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development; Charlie Malet from Shorenstein Properties; and, everyone who worked with them for their vision, effort and perseverance in spearheading legislation that will help revitalize an area of San Francisco where office space has sat vacant for decades.

We are proud that Twitter will be among the first companies moving into the Central Market area and will be playing a role in its renewal with the city and with other businesses, arts organizations, and the numerous community organizations that have been doing hard work in the neighborhood for many years.”

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