Twitter video host, Twitvid raises $6.5M in Series B funding

Twitvid, the Twitter video host has raised $6.5 million in a Series B funding led by Azure Capital Partners, existing investor Draper Fisher Jurvetson also aided the series of funding.

The money, according to a press release will be spent on hiring addition people and to build its infrastructure.

Since Twitter rose to what it is today, many media hosts (image, video) have tried to land it big, Twitpic and yFrog are the two to hit the big time, the two are the most well known media hosts.

Twitvid is one of many video sharing sites to have been created, and realistically, it’s the only site to remain that shares only video. Twitvid may have to thank the likes of TweetDeck and Echofon for it’s rise to fame due to both clients having Twitvid as the default video sharing site.

It’s comes as a bit of surprise that someone would want to invest in a site which could die at any time, especially this great amount of money. Twitpic was hit hard when Twitter announced their partnership with Photobucket ( I assume Twitter will want in on video hosting too. Surely they won’t allow 3rd party video hosts whilst trying to crush image hosts.

Honestly, Twitpic has managed to continue this far, for that they deserve to continue a lot longer. As with everything pro’s and con’s exist to why one may choose Twitpic over Twitter’s in-house image host. I assume that’ll be same with choice over Twitvid and a possible future video host in-house.

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