Two Thirds of UK Facebook and Twitter Users Neglect the Social Media Activity of Brands

A recent survey revealed that Brits don’t really want to interact with brands or companies when they spend time on their favoured social networks.

The survey relies on the answers of almost 72,000 Internet users from UK. The study’s conclusions revealed that Britons are less likely to succumb to the online marketing campaigns and to corporate blogs than the net surfers from other countries are.

The survey, conducted by the research firm TNS, showed that 61% of the UK Internet users don’t appreciate being bothered by brands and companies when spending time online and are less susceptible to marketing messages, compared to the lowest percentage obtained, 45% of Latina America Internet users. On national markets, some percentages are even lower, as 37% of Mexicans find brands on social networks rather annoying.

Another aspect that the survey revealed was that in the fast growing markets, including Egypt, Nigeria and India, the cost of Internet access prevents more people of going online despite of the high interest. In Ghana, 81% of the respondents said they would use the Internet more if it was less expensive, and in Nigeria 71% of the respondents supported this.

Returning to the UK, 20% of the 2093 respondents here declared they use social networks to buy products, compared to the global percentage of 40%. In addition, 60% of the UK users believe that social media is not appropriate place to push marketing campaigns and brand information. Meanwhile, big brands like Pepsi, Burberry and Tesco direct millions of pounds from their marketing budgets to connect with customers online.

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