Zynga Released Castle Ville, a New Gaming Hit

Bored of FarmVille, FrontierVille or CityVille? Zynga, the leader in social gaming has announced another game hoping to storm into the players’ hearts and into the market as well: CastleVille. As the title shows it, players will have to perform in a medieval world and they will have to build empires around their castles, trade, craft art and armour.

Bill Jackson, Zynga Dallas’ director, described the game as a top creation so far, with elements brought from the other three similar games. Self-expression from FarmVille combined with the imagination needed to build the dream city of CityVille and the captivating storyline of Frontier Ville will join together to make from CastleVille a new hit.

As Bill Jackson further explains, the game has a rich character pool. Users will be able to choose their character and look from a vast array of options, and then they will interact with characters from a medieval world populated with peasants, princesses, pirates and many more. The new players will have to rely on the help of Duke, the neighbour who will explain the rules. Then, other nicely shaped characters will add the fun to the gaming experience, such as Yvette, the singer, Giselle, the maiden, George, the friendly Viking, Sonja, the pirate, Tom, the dragon killer.

CastleVille promises to bring a world of adventure and fantasy which will allow players to use their imagination and wit in order to find their own path and to discover hidden characters and locations.
Excited players will still have to wait a few more weeks before the game will become available. Zynga announced that CastleVille will be released in 17 languages: (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Japanese and Thai).

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